Really. I was born and raised in Africa, and I lived in several countries there. I've also visited quite a few. I spent 11 years in America, and, I suppose a substantial amount of time in the UK and the EU.
I was also raised amongst the wealthy, attended the private school, dated the CEOs, etc. I ahve also had so little money that I didn't have enough money for food, and my bones stuck out. I've seen both sides.
So, please don't presume to lecture me about 'bashing rich people.' I know a some of them - a left over from the days of my youth. Not American, of course.
Sorry to break it to you, but even having one coffee every day at Starbucks for a month would not feed an African family. You've obviously been reading the wrong stuff. Subsisting on starch rich carbohydrates (which is about all one can do on that type of money) endangers one health, and if babies don't get protein young, their brains don't develop properly.
Research has shown that it's the top 1% that contributes more to climate change than anyone else, and the more money they have, the more they contribute. The worlds' top 14 or 15 companies contribute more than half of the toxic residue that is polluting the earth.
Let me be quite clear.
I will do everything in my power to stop this blind fucking adulation of the very rich. I grew up with them, and I know that there is nothing special about them at all - except their sheer calousness of what they will do to earn money.