On Being an Echo Chamber

When one arrives at the right answer, why does one have to consider the wrong answer? Isn’t that a bit daft?

Just me, Pacific Beach (San Diego) circa 2008/9. Just too lazy to look for a more relevant picture about echo chambers. And I’m writing this after all. Own picture.

After twenty two years of being trolled, mocked, insulted, and belittled on the web by conservatives and libertarians, I made a decision five years ago, in the days of Google Plus, to never respond to another conservative or libertarian again. In fact, if they made or implied even one insulting comment on my thread, I simply blocked them — deleted them for good.

It was the best decision I ever made. Since then, working online has been a pleasure. I now associate and communicate with decent people — people who aren’t racist, people who actually care about the communities they live in, people who don’t troll, and people who can accept and deal with reality. No conspiracy theories. No paranoia. No delusion. It’s good to be back in a sane world.

Not all conservatives are the same

Oh, yes, they are. They all believe that some people are better than others. For instance, they think that the welfare state shouldn’t exist, that all people should work for a living, regardless of circumstances, and they make it next to impossible for you to prove that you have a disability. They are of the opinion that people who don’t want to work are lazy and/or stupid. They focus on business profits, and they want the state to impose fundamentalist ‘Christian’ bullarkey on everybody in the country (e.g. no abortion). They think being gay is a choice and a woman’s womb is up for debate by a political body.

I have no time for people who put themselves above other people, and who think that because they achieved this and that, and because they ‘pulled themselves up by the boostraps,’ everybody else is able to do it as well. And if they can’t, well, they must be stupid and deserve their second class status. These kind of people are incapable of noticing the tiny details that would paint a different picture. I find the kind of judgements they spew out to be callous and inhumane, and I want nothing to do with them.

Their choice to be conservative is led by profit and religion — neither of which I find to be ethical choices. So, yes, all conservatives are the same.



Tessa Schlesinger - Born and bred in Africa.
World Issues — Politics, Economics, and More

Complexity is never easy to explain, and far too many stick to black and white, and forget about the colors and the greys.