Oh, come off it! A reporter's job is to report only on what is seen and what is said by others. His own opinions and views do not come into it at all. It is something we were taught in journalism (or used to be in my day) school - that you remove yourself from what is seen.
It is not a reporter's job to examine a complex situation. When people reported on WWII, they might have said that there was a blitz in London and that so many people got killed, etc. They did not go into the complexities of the war.
A good reporter can no more slant facts than a scientist can by saying that the sun rises in the east. Educated readers know damn well that the reporter is based in Timbucktoo and cannot see what is happening on the other side of the country.
That is why a good newspaper has many feet on the ground. It is also why there are news agencies like Reuters and Associated Press who employ reporters/journalists around the world.