Of course, and I will tell you exactly why so many don’t want to believe it’s a talent — because it means the doors are closed to them, and that means they will never be able to do it. Coaches and ‘teachers’ make a fortune out of this, so they have a vested interest in telling people you can learn anything.
Certainly, you can learn anything — up to a point. Up to a point.
Here’s the truth. My siblings and I were born to a bunch geniuses with multiple talents between them. That includes IQ north of genius, dancing, singing, writing, math, science — it doesn’t matter.
At 8 years old, my daughter was painting fine art the way few will ever learn to. Nobody taught her. At 7 years old, at her first ballet dancing lesson, her teacher told my mother she was world class. My brother broke sports records that held for 10 years as an 8 year old, and he was invited to sing everywhere he went.
None of us were taught these things. We simply knew how. There were no 10,000 hours involved.