Nancy Pelosi had no ethical right to tip an already boiling point situation into an inferno. Fuck America 20 times over. It has nothing to do with America what China does. Or Russia. I wish America would stop seeing itself as the savior of the world. The degree of damage it has done in the world during the past 70 years is beyond reckoning.
Nancy Pelosi is NOT simply an old woman. She is third in line to the presidency, and she represents the USA.
I would rather surrender Ukraine and Taiwan than kill all life on earth through nuclear warfare. And there are enough crazy people in power right now to make that a reality. Your perspective in this shows just how little you see of the big picture.
Pelosi went there specifically to prove a point, or rather, as we all think, she is so used to the adulation of idiots that she has to go out with one hug Hurrah! By doing that she endangered the entired worlld.
I would much rather have a small problem (Russia and China invading some lands) than have a big problem (the extinciton of human kind.
As I am living outside Ameerica, and as I am not American, I have far more knowledge of just how ignomius America is. This particular action shows just how stupid Nancy Pelosi is.