My sister and I were talking about this a few years ago, and we came to the conclusion that the current hatred is jealousy.
That said, it goes a lot deeper than that. For 2000 years, the Catholic church claimed that the Jews killed God - Deicide, and therefore they must be tortured, must be made to repent, etc. Jews were put in ghettos.
However, Jews were the only people that could read and write in a illiterate world. So they became the money lenders and the courier. Blame them for the death of Jesus Christ, but literary was necessary.
I have to say that I have experienced more discrimination from Jews than I have from gentiles. That's because I had a Jewish father and a gentile mother. I later converted via reform to become Jewish, but that wasn't good enough. I am still not accepted by orthodox.
I have also heard, since I was about 18 years old, the way that Jews speak about gentiles - gatas (gatasum - which in Afrikaans in a play on the word, backside), yoks, shiksas, etc. I have no idea how to spell these words, but they were always derogatory towards non-Jews. So I wonder just who is hating who.
Israel, I have a problem with. I understand the details. I just don't agree with the policies. So do many Jews. I am not alone in that.
I do think that people who can't figure out why they're suffering need a scapegoat, and that stories are passed down through families and through culture.
The real blame goes to the catholic church which, for 2000 years, blamed Jews for the death of god. And from that, Jews have become devil spawn.