My late father was at the same university as Einstein and once rescued him when he lost his oars on a lake. He also attended Einstein's farewell speech at the main shul in Berlin.
You would have to provide me with evidence that Einstein spent a great amount of time discussing metaphysics. Jews in Berlin at that time were basically agnostic. It is where reform Judaism began. Basically, I don't believe that. Too much evidence says otherwise. However, I'm open to your providing the evidence.
Einstein did not get his degree in America. He was educated in Germany. When the Nazis kicked him out, he got a position at Princeton teaching.
Yes, I realize that Isaac Newton was interested in metaphysics, but virtually all scientists who belong to the Royal Society are hard core atheists. In order to be a member of the Royal Society, you must have top notch credentials, and you're very, very smart.
I construe spirituality as the outcome of people who desperately want help or solutions that they cannot attain in the real world. So they have to pretend there is something more. There is also a direct correlation between atheism and the higher levels of educaiton and intelligence and religious/superstitious belief between people of lesser eduation and intelligence.