My daughter gives a pretty good idea of how Zionism has evolved over the years.
That said, to be a Zionist means you believe that the Jews are entitled to live in Israel, and you understand that 70% of Jews are black, and that they have lived in the Levant for the past 2000 years. (Mizrahi Jews)
Only 30% of Jews living in Israel are Ashkenazi Jews.
That said, for the past 15 years, Iran and Palestine has had a massive brainwashing program that influenced many to believe that Zionism is different to Judaism. It's not. For ever passover service, we say 'Next year in Jerusalem."
I previously very much bought into the story that being Jewish and being Zionist were different. I don't believe that anymore. When Jews say "Next year in Jerusalem," they are Zionists. They just might not realize they are.
I don't think Zionism has done any damage to Jewish identity. I think liberalism has. And I think Trump may win the next election as a result (which scares me). The majority of New York Jews now intend to vote for Trump, and that, in itself, tells you that they side with Israel.