My article was in response to the comments and articles all written to condemn Smith and glorify Rock. The general perception waa that Smith had totally set back race relations and now white people had evidence that black people were all violent and women couldn't stand on their own two feet.
Let me remind you that I am a progressive - not a liberal. The reason for that is I was subject to physical violence from a woman for the greater part of my life and not a single liberal did what needed to be done. Physically stop her.
I can assure you that Chris Rock will think twice about ever uttering another word against the Smiths. He had a prior agreement with them never to mentiom them. He broke it. He knew she had a medical condition, and he went ahead anyway.
Liberals keep losing. They never implement what needs to be done. Obama gave power to Republicans because he wanted to play nice.
I am a soldier in many ways. I kick asz because my life has taught me that there are a lot of people in this world who only understand physical force. For that reason, while I dislike violence, I understand that sometimes it is necessary.
I have no time for the perception that if 'we do it, then we will be just like them.'
So, sorry, I was not disgusted with Smith's actions. I am glad he did what he did. Somebody needs to ecplain to current comedians that they aren't funny. And, if nothing else, a lot of us are applauding Smith.