
Mitch, yes, it's tribal. The strongest tribe gets to set the rules. That is life. The rule on earth is surrvival of the fittest or best adapted. The winner gets to chose the rules.

It is never going to change. In Africa, the vast majority of people are black. They have messed up everything they have touched. They don't understand why. So they blame white people. The white peoe have bern out of the picture a long time.

Is that white privilege? At what point do people of color stop blaming other people for their rejection and start figuring out what the real causes are.

There are many highly successful African Americans - ,Neil deGrasse Tyson, Morgan Freeman, Samuel Jackdon (all three my favourite people). They don't think there is racism in Ametica. They don't talk about white privilege.

Mitch, we are going to disagree on this. I'm sorry.



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