Look, for every headline you give me about China, I can give you six about America. You seem to only be involved with improving my view of America. Not going to happen. I lived there for 11 years. You can have it. Unlike you, I have also spent considerable time in Africa and in Europe, as well as the UK. I have a pretty good idea of HOW PEOPLE LIVE.
When I said that Europe is a working model, I didn't mean it was perfect. I said, IT WORKS. Unlike America, where half your people are on antidpressants, are obese, have mental health problems, are living under terrrible stress, etc. it does not happen here.
My daughter arrived from the States at the end of October. To date, she has not seen one fat person. (We're currently in Porrtugal).
The bottom line is that Europe trades with China, and that the opinion of America will govern future relationships with her. Understand that your spying, your human abuses, your tortute camps, putting children in cages, have all devaluted America in the sight of the world.
Whether you like it or not, your 'greatness' flourished partially because people had a high opinion of your country. They don't anymore.