Likewise, you wasted my time for nothing. And, no, you don't have a clue.
For what it's worth from a 70 year old woman who has been published for 60 years, it doesn't matter what you plan, life will come along and disrupt it.
Right now, I don't even know why anyone is even bothering to plan a career. We have a current pandemic, and according to some in high places, it's going to be with us for a decade. Scientists tell us the next pandemic will be here in 3 to 5 years. Climate change disasters are going to get worse and worse. In five years time, a lot of people are going to be unemployed, and worse.
I wouldn't be worrying about a career nevermind a career in writing. Writing is oversubscribed and there are fewer and fewer readers. People don't read much anymore.
Well,if you don't have food on the table and you can't pay the rent, then $1000 staves away the inevitable - homelessness. A lot of people will probably run into difficulties this morning because those of us who depend on Medium have earned substantially less.
"Your life, your fits, your writing should be about much more than that."
Writing isn't the holy grail. It's just another job. And, no, it absolutely should not be much more than that. I also don't thnk that the lack of success has anything to do with being lazy, etc.
I think there is a fair element of luck involved in whether one writes the right piece at the right mment and it meets with the right opportunity. I also think good writing is a talent - I don't think it's something that experience teaches you.
I won all four bonses, and the 2nd month I made $4300. And, no, it wasn't hard work. It was luck - I wrote the right piece at the right time.
And, no, writing is not a long game. I was first published when I was 10 years old, and i have been published ever since. It depends on whether one has the talent and ability or not. And, of course, the opportunity.