Let me put it this way. I have lived in the UK and the US long enough to receive pensions from both countries. I am a dual German / South African citizen, and I'm currently residing in Portugal. I have lived and worked in many countries. I have been politically involved since 1966 when I joined the Progressive Party in South Africa. My late mother was a founder member of the Black Sash in South Africa. Sir De Villiers Graaf was a visitor to our home. I was at school with Jan Steytler's kids (head of the Progs in those times).
I have voted in several British elections - both in Scotland and in England. I never voted in the USA, because I was never willing to lose my German citizenship, so I never took out American citizenship.
I have been writing and published since 1962/3 (you can google my portfolion). I write specifically about politics and economics.
I think I know the difference between left and right.
As for the fact that Medium might be biased - perhaps they just more complex thinkers than people on the right.
Neurological research (that's physiological - not psychological) has, for the past decade, shown that there is a distinct phyisological difference between people who have conservative values and people who have liberal values. That's because the conservative brain is unable to reason in a complex manner.
Please feel free to google that as well.
No, of course the values represented by the official Medium publications are not the only values represented by writers on Medium. Medium, however, is not obligated to represent the values of all its writers. Medium is a for-profit publication, and writers tend to be intellectuals, i.e. they have complex reasoning skills. Of course, it's not an absolute - just a generality. Most writers tend to be liberals. Again, not an absolute - just a majority.
So they cater to the majority readers. It's that simple.
No, I have not published in the official Medium magazines. I haven't even submitted to them. I think they're shitty publications - very bad writing, and not appealing at all. I think that's why Ev Williams fired them. As he said, they weren't paying.
I have no time for " PC consensus consciousness." Not even sure what it is. I am a hardcore atheist (not even remotely politically correct) and have been a progressive since I joined the Progressives in South Africa in 1966. Wasn't politically correct then, and I don't think it's politically correct now.