Let me draw an analogy for you here. There is a hotel. Next door to the hotel, there is another hotel. This hotel is full of large venomous snakes. They are hidden so you cannot see them, but they are there. At night, they come out and kill people in the hotel next door.
At a certain point, when too many snakes have died, the people take up arms and go to the hotel with all the snakes. It blows the hotel up.
The snakes certainly don't have the kind of weapons that the people do. However, that doesn't mean that they aren't sneaking into the hotel with people and killing the people.
You have said to me previously that you don't agree with war. It doesn't matter if you believe in it or not, Ken. We hare human beings - a particular type of agree with it or not. We are an animal species. We go to war. We have done this for as long as human beings are around. Our history is full of it. People get killed in wars.
You tell me how you feel, Ken. You don't tell me how you think. These are very different things. Certainly students 'feel.' The point is that they don't go to university to feel. They go to university to learn to think, and none of them are.
I guess, between climate change and Sharia law on earth, we should all meet a horrific death within the next six decades. Our species will be gone.