Let me draw a picture for you. it is a picture broken into a million piece jigsaw puzzle, or maybe a hundred million piece jigsaw puzzle or maybe even a 10 piece jigsaw puzzle.
It is a great picture. Perhas a stuning castle or yacht or human in the foreground, and in the background, mountains or seas, some faded in the distance.
The picture is whole.
Now remove one pice. It can be on the corners or in the middle or on the sides or anywhere you like. Now look at the picture again. No matter how beautiful that centre piece, the eye always travels to the missing piece.
In some way, we all have our place. We hold together a vast pattern of life. We may not be noticed while we are here, but there is an empty place when we are gone. That's when we know that no matter how small the part we played, we actually did play a part.
And we have to remember that when we are alive.