Lee, I'm a 70 year old woman who is autistic, plus has an audtiory processing disorder. I have about four hours working time each day (and I always have only had that) before I am so exhausted, I'm verging on a nervous breakdown.
On top of that, I recently moved to my forth country in 13 months, plus my 5th or 6th city (in the middle of a pandemic). I am beyond exhauisted.
This morning, I have to send off a letter to the tax people to try to get a tax number, otherwise I can't receive income on the web. It can take months. I don't know. I have to get a PPS number which can also take months. I have to phone the electricity department in order to get electricity. I have to call the trash people, the gas people, order beds (I'm sleeping on the floor) and more. I have to do so much that most nights I'm so depressed, anxious, exhausted, that it is hard to face the next day.
In the middle fo this, you want me to expend energy with you discussing things. In real life, I am a complete loner. The audtiory processing disorder makes it difficult for me to keep up with conversations. The autism has made my life a nightmare. I simply don't have a social life - I never had had.
I don't have conversations and discussions on the web. It's nothing personal. I don't have the capacity to do that.
I think I told you before that what you want to do (I refuse to dignity the concept of the American dream) is an excellent idea. I truly think you should go for it.
My pension income is a total of $112 from America and 99 quid from the UK. I write in order to supplement my income. I have no medical insurance. There are things that are going wrong with my body, and I don't have the time, the energy, and probably the funds to go and have somethng done about it.
(Continued in the next response before I lose this one.)