Just curious how many reads you had on Google Plus. I was looking at one of my counts - 38 million reads.
Your statement is stupid. IQ stands for Intelligent Quotient. Your sentence does not make sense. Perhaps you man there are many different ways of measuring Intelligence Quotients.
Well, as this kind of intelligence concerns logical thinking and arriving at the right answer, there is only one way of assessing it - by testing people.
If you mean there are different kinds of intelligences, I disagree. I know it's been popular to say so, e.g. emotional intelligence (Daniel Goleman as a journalist - not a psychologist, and any qualified psychologist will tell you there is no such thing). Things like sports, music, dancing are talents - nothing to do with logical problem solving.
This guy, Shalom Dickson gave the best explanation of IQ tests ever, and he provides solid evidence that they are an accurate evaluation of people's problem solving ability.
Generally, people with low IQ don't flaunt their IQ because they're too embarrassed to do so. Of course, people with high IQs have something to flaunt. And it can make other people feel angry and inadequate. Thus is life.