John, Antonio Banderas, Toby McQuire, and Mark Wahlberg are 5'8."
Tom Cruise, Bill Crystal, Jack Black, Al Pacino, Joe Rogan, Emelio Estevez, and Martin Lawrence are all 5.7."
Dustin Hoffman and Elijah Wood are 5'6."
Daniel Radcliff is 5'5" as os Woody Allen. So is BillyJoel.
Seth Green is 5' is Joe Pesci. Michael J Fox comes in at 5'4 " as well. Charlie Chaplin was that height as well.
Martin Scorsese comes in at 5'3".
Prince was 5'2."
Danny De Vito is 4'10".
These men all have women in their lives. There are more factors than being short.
There was an African American lady writer on Medium was blasted off over the 'fact' that white men thought that African women were ugly. The fact is that David Bowie married Imam, at one time considered the most beautiful women in the world. She was African.
Halle Berry can hardly be considered ugly. Nor can Jada Pinkett Smith. Or the Duchess of Surrey. And so on and so forth.
I'm not sure why you aren't having any luck with women, but the other fact here is that most people struggle to find someone where there is mutual attraction.
Again, I would suggest that you accept yourself and all the handicaps and blessings that come with that. You can't change the rest of the world.