I've studied the situation. I've read the Koran. I've been to a mosque and listened to Imams (Cape Town, South Africa).
And, no, I'm not wrong.
I have specifically said that the religion of Islam is dangerous - not all Muslims. I first read it in 1969, and I was shocked at the outright commands to kill anyone who did not believe in Islam. Also, I remember a verse that one must hate all Christians because they don't accept any religion but their own.
The problem with Islam is the same as it is with Christianity and Judaism - that people who are full of hatred, or are not all there, will believe the most extreme sections of any holy script (all of which are written by primitive people in the name of a non-existent god). Trump got elected by evangelical Christians - a case in point.
QUOTE: A new poll released Tuesday finds a dramatic surge in Palestinian support for Hamas following last month’s Gaza war, with around three quarters viewing the Islamic militants as victors in a battle against Israel to defend Jerusalem and its holy sites. The scientific poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research also found plummeting support for President Mahmoud Abbas, who was sidelined by the war but is seen internationally as a partner for reviving the long-defunct peace process. The poll found that 53% of Palestinians believe Hamas is “most deserving of representing and leading the Palestinian people,” while only 14% prefer Abbas’ secular Fatah party.
In the past, I have found support for Hamas high. It really depends on which day of the week and which poll you are looking at.
For the record, I am Jewish, disagree completely with Israel's treatment of Palestine. However, I also understand that when one is continually attacked, that, eventually, people hit back. In the case of Israel, they have a policy of hitting back ten times harder than they were hit. I don't agree with that.
However, Bedouin Arabs who are nomadic started attacking settling Jews in the late 1800s. The Jews paid for the property - to the Ottoman Empire. These were legal transactions.
At the time of the Spanish Inquisition against Jews, Muslims gave shelter to the Jews. I was taught that by a Rabbi, that until Jews started buying up land in Palestine, Muslims protected Jews.
So, I'm well aware of the history from both sides.
Wa-alaikum as-salaam.