Ive been writing on various sites for 20 years (on the web), and people who write about religion often complain about how they have been writing for years but still haven't earned anything.
When you're writing about religion or god, you're competing against the likes of mega-churches, etc. All algorithms are based on finding the most popular voices.
You have 17 followers. You are an unknow writer. Only 5% of people are actually readers who will read a lot during the day. I read for about 5 hours every single day.
Most people scan, and they will only read something if it helps them or entertains them. Most people either believe in god (no questions asked), and the very small minority who genuinely are interested in the question are going to be reading Richard Dawkins or Sam Harris or someone.
That said, if you want some input on your writing, here it is:
Your headlines need to make people want to read, and you are in competition with a helluve lot of people. So you need to study up what makes a good headline.
You need to go read the formatting rules under the help section on Medium. If your format incorrectly, and you are, the algorithm chucks out your work and you won't get a human editor to distribute it.
You need to have a photo immediately under the subtitle, and the subtitle under the title.
It took me a year to get about 600 followers, and in the last few weeks Ive added 150% to that.
What nobody tells you is that a great deal of getting noticed as a writer is pure luck. You write the right article on the right day, and somebody finds it, spreads it, and suddenly you have readers, and they stick with you.
If you'd written the same article 3 days before, it would have gone by the wayside.
You have to open a magazine in order to divide your work into folders. Here's an example. The only way you are going to learn all this is by going to the HELP section of Medium and teaching yourself. Writing is a hard profession. I've been published for 60 years. It does not get any easier.