It's difficult to be bored when most minutes are fighting for basic survival. I think I was a bit bored during my school days.
However, let's see. I left San Diego in October 2014. Since then, I have lived in Scotland, Spain, 3 cties in South Africa, Germany, 2 cities in Portugal, and now I've been in Ireland since May.
I've also had lifelong interests in beautiful clothing, photography, interior design, geology, math, ballroom, Latin, and swing dancing, architecture, travel, and other stuff.
In my working life, I have been a secretary, a croupier dealing 8 or 9 games on three continents, a computer programmer (mainframe days), a web designer in the early noughties, an editor for two London publishing houses, a pattern maker and dresser of women, also did their makeup, a b2b sales rep, a headhunter for CEOs and engineers, and I don't know what else. I basically switched careers every two or three years.
Also have about an inch of qualifications because I've never stopped signing up for school. Right now, despite only been in Ireland for a few months, my daughter and I are already registered for two 10 week courses. I've also approached a professor about learning to write songs.
I love lap swimming, walking, cycling, and dancing. I also read for a good 5 hours per day, covering Germany, France, the UK, Africa, South China Morning Post, and America (subscription to the Washington Post).
I could go on. David, I don't have time to be bored. Never have had that sort of time available to me. Too much to do.