It isn’t an empty threat. It’s a high probability, and Hitler did not have the means to destroy an entire country (radiation, etc) by dropping a few bombs on it. You need to compare apples with apples.
In the same way that Hitler’s henchman didn’t stop him, Putin’s won’t either. They have used weapons that are outlawed by the world community in the Ukraine. Putin gave his military direct instructions to bomb residence apartments. Why do you think he and those who report to him won’t drop a strategic nuclear weapon? They are far more advanced in those than the U.SA. or any other country.
I read one piece on a military site that they emitted less radiation but that they acted like a EMP bomb, i.e. taking out all the electronics for a large city. That would be because they detonated in the air.
Putin is going to move on the next country – probably — and you’re betting if we start WWIII, that the price of WWIII is worth stopping Putin? I think many of us would disagree.
Nobody is trying to appease Putin. He has heavy sanctions against him. Basically, the world is just screwed, that’s all.
I beg to differ that Russia will cease to exist if Russia launches a nuclear weapon. Every nuclear bomb that goes off affects the air we breathe. Do you think that the air in all the countries surrounding Russia won’t be affected? Greece, Australia, India, Poland, etc?
Mutually Assured Destruction doesn’t work if it is a bluff. Putin has called it, and he means everything he says. Make one move against him, and he will launch a nuclear bomb. He has nothing to lose.