I'm really curious why Israel keeps justifying stealing the Palestine's land because it was 'only a province and there's no such thing as a Palestinian people." I also went to shul. I know all the stories. They're not true.
The Ottoman Empire existed for 500 years. Palestine existeed before the Ottoman Empire. So it's bs argument.
As for the gentleman I quoted being antisemitic, are you going to tell me that all Jews who are disgusted with Israelis actions and think she is guilty of crimes against humanity are also antisemites? Or is it a self-hating Jew.
Let me give you some links of the numerous
Jews who disagree with Israel's actions.
Let me suggest, instead, that all Jews who support Israel's ations against the Palestinians have no ethics and they are NOT good people. They have continually taken land from the Palestinians, and then they get upset when the Palestinians fight back.
Nelson Mandela's speech as this Rivonia trial for terrorism put it in a nutshell. If there are no peaceful means of solving the problem, then the only alternative is war. You might like to read his speech. Or not.
Please don't confuse me with the kind of people who support their particular tribe. I'm global. I am also hardcore atheist, and I think all religion needs to be abolished.