I'm really curious as to why you want to increase your productivity. These are such strange ideas to me - that people want to improve this and that about themselves.
At any job I had, I just naturally did three times the work that anyone else did, and I was often the top producer in sales. I wasn't competing. In fact, when bosses told me this, I was quite surprised. I wasn't working particularly hard or pushing myself. I was just doing the job I was paid to do, and that is all I was interested in doing.
That said, there were times (too often) that bosses got really annoyed with me because I was sitting around doing nothing at times. They wanted even more from me - because, they said, I had the capacity to do so.
Eventually, I just dropped out of work. I'm not prepared to kill myself in a job. Nor do I see any reason to be more productive. Human beings biologically evolved to work a 20 hour week. The reason why we have so much mental illness, obesity, and other lifestyle illnesses is because we are overworked (for the sake of the profit of the lords of the universe).
Is it not okay just to get done what you need to get done, and then to enjoy your life? Is it not better to get lots of rest so that your mind is clear?
To my mind, you were 'influenced' to buy something that you probably don't need. In fact, just the very idea that you need to be more productive is something you've been 'influenced' to believe.
People who sell products via their writing used to be known as copywriters or commercial writers. In my youth, one would never confuse a commercial writer with a creative writer.
It's rather like putting a doodler in the same category as as fine artist.