I'm not sure why you would consider that. Sub-Saharan Africa was still a hunter gatherer society until about the mid-20th century. I remember many of the 'kraals' when I was young. I was also accustomed to men and women walking around without clothing, save for a loin cloth. Much of that remains. These people are the people I am talking about - not Northern Africa which, as I have said, the DNA shows to be 80% Eurasian and 20% African.
Frances, it would take me too long to respond to each of your points, so I'm not not going to respond to them all. You can either accept what I say, or not.
I have no truck with this idea that people deserve this and are entitled to that. It's what we call first world problems. I'm thankful that I have a roof over my head, and with social security payments of $220 per month, I'm grateful my daughter can afford to pay the rent.
I have always been so grateful to earn whatever I can, and I have never cared that others earned more than me - even though I did a far better job. So what. So long as I can pay for a roof over my head, food, clothing, the electricity, and other essentials, I'm grateful. I have never compared myself with others.
I'm also not a feminist. Most of my readers are men, and most of the women who read me are very similar to me in outlook. I don't think I have any feminist readers. We're the type that go live off the grid, make do with what ever have, write on Medium for a few extra pennies, and the interesting thing is that we're all pretty smart. Ambition is not part of our make-up.
I've never regarded men as superior to me, and I have never felt inferior to anyone. Not sure why. Just never occurred to me.