I'm not sure what you're saying. Tony is an ex computer programmer and has a Computer Science degree. He probably knows a lot about websites and SEO.
He writes about self-improvement, because, in America, it's a big thing. It's a very tough environment, in a dog-eat-dog world. It doesn't help that the culture blames people for not succeeding. America is the most difficult country in the first world to be upwardly mobile.
So when people are told over and over again that the reason they fail is their fault, then they want to 'improve.'
People who are readers read a vast range of things. They are not looking to improve themselves.
When I write characters, it just pours out of my head - already created. So I'm not sure what you are saying. I don't think about my characters. When I write, they are already formed.
Please tell me what you mean, and how that relates to the new CEO.
Here's the link.