Tessa Schlesinger
2 min readOct 29, 2021


I’m going to disagree with you on the following basis.

Bernie Sanders would have changed it. Why? Because the only way he could have become president would have been if progressives outnumbered liberals, and that means he would have taken the house and the senate. Without the house and the senate being progressive, no president can make changes.

There are two things that need to be outlawed in America and one thing that needs to be implemented before anything can come right.

1. In every other country in the world, lobbying is known as state capture, and it is a crime equivalent to high treason. You will be jailed for it. Lobbying has to stop.

2. The Electoral College has to go. While it holds sway, there is no democracy.

3. The education system needs to completely overhaul what Americans are taught. I went to college in the States in my mid-50s. I was flabbergasted to be taught things that I learnt in the late 50s in kindgergarten in South Africa. I learnt other things that I had been taught in junior school. The level of education in America is very, very low compared to many other countries. In addition, people are taught a lot of wrong shit. I became know as the person who constantly challenged the chair because professors got so much wrong. I always won.

So let’s go back to Trump supporters being stupid. Yes, they are stupid. They believe in QAnon, God, and won’t war masks. The death rate amongst Republicans is far higher than amongst Democrats. I think the penny finally dropped with Trump when he realized his supporters were dying off. How fucking stupid can you be?

Anyone who thought Trump would destroy the system when he was actually part of the system that kept it in place has got rocks in his head. Along with the rest of the world, I see America becoming even more of a 3rd world country, and, unfortunately, along with the rest of the world, I also think America will start WWIII because it has dumb, arrogant fucks in power – be they liberal or conservative.



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