I'm extremely curious why you think my emotions and not my intellect is involved.
Firstly, I'm not American, and despite my once living in the States for 11 years, it wasn't for me, so I left.
Why should the last decade have thrashed me around? During the last decade, I have lived in Houston, Texas, San Diego, California, Campbelltown in Scotland, Olivera in Spain, London, UK, Cape Town, South Africa, George, South Africa, and I'm currently in Dusseldorf, Germany.
I'm pretty much global, and I read publications from Germany, France, Honk Kong, Russia, Africa, the UK, Middle East and America. I also read both the left and the right.
For instance, in the UK, the Daily Mail is pretty much extreme right. The Guardian is left. The Telegraph is right. The Independent is sort of left but more centre. I am absolutely and utterly not reading only one view. So, please, cut the leftest crap. I have been writing and published for 60 years, and I've been reading for longer than that.
As a trained journalist with a pretty ruthless intellect, I do not let emotions rule me. I am evidence driven, and I know how to assess information.
There are many publications that are written in the traditions of journalism rather than entertainment. Of course, you have to know which they are. It's not my fault that you expose yourself to shitty media. For a start, switch of the TV. I haven't owned a TV for decades. I read.