I'm a woman. If I was American, I wouldn't vote for her. (I am no supporter of Donald Trump.) I have listened to numerous videos of her speaking. I cannot figure out how she got her law degree. I do know that she made a mess of every job she ever had, and that when she ran for president against Biden, she stopped within weeks, because there was no support for her.
To date, while at one time, I would have voted for Elizabeth Warren (not any more), I wouldn't have voted for Hillary either.
This has nothing to do with them being women. I come from a long line of excptionally strong, independent women. My mother broke many supposed glass celings.
The fact that there are women CEOs means that there is no glass celing. There are just women who don't display male leadership abilities.
From Margaret Thatcher, through Golda Meir, to Indira Ghandi, these were very strong women. They could hold their own, and then some, against any man.
Kamala can't. I find her poorly i formed, inappropriate, lacking in leadership skill, and I can't figure out how anyone can think she is presidential material.