I'll think about it. Why don't you write something about it?
When I was living in South Africa, I was stunned that three generations down the line, the Afrkaners were still upset about their great great grandparents being put into British camps.
When I lived in Texas, I was amazed that Texans still considered the confederates to be the true government of Texas.
When I arrived in Ireland, I was stunned that the Irish were still holding on to what the Brits did three generations ago.
My late father was a Holocaust Survivor. He did not bring us up to hate Germany. He visited Germany 20 years after he left, and went back a couple of times. I have German nationality.
The fight in Israel is about religion and land. Hamas are doing this for the glory of their god who has instructed them in the Koran to kill every single person who does not follow Allah. That includes you and me. The other fight is that the Palestinians believe the land is theirs.
Jewish migration to Palestine began in about 1850. There were 350,000 Palestinians living on the land at that time. From records, the land was in poor condition, barren, and there was nothing there. The Jews changed that.
If you go back through the history of Palestine, you will find that until the 4th century, the majority of people living there were Jewish. Int he 5th century, the majority were Christian. From the 12th century on, the majority were Muslim.
The link below will give you an idea of the demographics. It is an extremely complex situation. I sometimes fear I get things wrong.