If they were Jihadis, the long term ourcome would be that more people would die - not less. I am talking about long term outcomes - not short term.
My views are always, absolutely and utterly, based on principle - never, never, never on feelings.
In life, there are few choices where everybody gets to live happily after. Deserving people die young. Terribly evil people live long lives, sometimes surrounded by luxury.
Feelings do not take into consideration the circumstances of 8.3 billion people on this planet. No human bring is capable of doing that.
Ethical decisions are based on factual information and seeing where they will lead.
For instance, climate change was recognised 140 years ago. There was ample time to work out a plan, but people were more concerned about their happiness, their feelings, their pleasures, their status, and sometimes their survival.
A human life tends to only have worth to the person himself, and to those close to him. There is no intrinsic worth to human beings. In a universe so large that no human mind can comprehend it, it is neither here no there whether we survive as a species.
Hopefully, we will. However. As Einstein once there, There are only two things that are infinite human stupidity and the universe, and I am not sure about the latter."
People have many different feelings - lust, hatred, jealousy, anger, love, etc. It is an absurdity to think that a feeling will make a rational decision.
Why do you think that right and wrong can only be determined by feelings?
The principle is always the lesser of two evils.