I was talking about things like the prediction of Jesus - verses that tare taken out of context. You're not Jewish. You wouldn't know. I spent 10 years as an evangelical Christian.
No Jew ever told me I had to be submissive to a man. The first I heard of that was when I became an evangelical Christian. My late father, born 1910, told me I could be whatever I liked. When I was 14, he told me I could sleep with whoever I liked, just not to get caught, because society had a double standard.
I was never, never, never taught that I was any different from a man. Nor was my sister.
I spent 11 years in America. I have lived all over the world. I have never, never, never, had the issues with men that I have had with women. No man has ever dared to look down on me. That's because I have the intellect and strength of character to make complete idiots of them.
In the synagogue, I was elected to the committee. I was one of a handful of women to be able to argue scripture. I was highly respected for my understanding and knowledge of it.
The other women cooked and provided the catering, etc. I didn't. Not my thing. However, let me point out, that was their choice. They could also come and argue scripture on a Saturday morning. They just didn't have the interest. Instead they cooked and provided the food for functions.
n Israel, whether you are a man or a women, you join the army.
I don't have a problem with misogyny. My readers have always been 80% men and 20% women. I will be 72 years old in a few weeks.
My late mother didn't have a problem with misogyny. She was born in 1925. She joined the army when she was 14. She parachuted from the sky, raced cars, became a successful business woman, bred dogs, was a opposition political voice. There were men that were petrified of her. She didn't simper and speak nicely. She said what was on her mind.
You forget something. 95% of humanity are followers, regardless of whether they are men or women. They cannot stand on their own. They groupthink. They copy their opinions from others. Right now, it's fashionable to talk about the patriarchy, to virtual signal one's empathy, and all sorts of other things.
Leaders are independent thinkers. They can stand against the crowd.