Tessa Schlesinger
2 min readJul 25, 2022


I wanted to think about this before I responded.

Something that is always pointed out is that Christians are not perfect - that they are sinners. I don't buy that. If one is supposed to have the spirit of god inside one when one is 'born again,' then surely one should be less of a sinner, not more of one.

Studies show that atheists have the longest marriages, have the least criminals, are the most educated, intelligent, and they're pretty generous, too.

if god was necessary in order to be a good person, why is it then that atheists have such a high standard when it comes to principles?

I was shocked to my core when I entered at the church at the age of 25 and heard Christians gossiping. I went to a Christian school, and we were taught that gossip was evil, and it certainly is not condoned in either the new testament and the old testament.

The number of pastors who are arrested for sex crimes, who lie, are caught doing terrible things is almost weekly. The pastors of the mega churches are enormously rich, yet the early church said that the rich people shared their wealth with all the other members of the church. Jesus said it was more difficult for a camel to go through the eye of a needle (the small doorway that opened in the Jerusalem wall) than for a rich man to go to heaven. In other words, rich men weren't going to go to heaven, because a camel can't go through the eye of a needle.

Jesus told disciples to give up all their worldly goods. I don't see that happening in any of the mega churches. The last thing that Joel Osteen preaches is Christianity.

Christianity is very much a religion of communism, where people give up all their worldly goods, live in communities, and help each other. They are also supposed to win other people, not by their words, but by their deeds.

When they do preach, they are supposed to go out into the desert - not the street corners.

I know my bible well, Bebe. I was highly respected for my knowledge in those days.

I was exposed to highly principled people at my school. My late father was highly principled. I was shocked at walking into too many churches to count and finding people gossiping, their jealousy, their lies, their sexuaal assault, and much more.

I simply do not buy that Christians are also human. I maintain that, for the most part, evangelical christians are full of hatred, condemnation, and pretty much ignorant about everything. There is no way that I believe that they are 'born again' of the spirit of god.

This is not directed at you. I hope you don't think so.



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