I think you confuse hatred with self-protection. Bear in mind that I have been on the web since 1994 when it had 3004 sites, am not American (South African'/German) and the degress of harassment, abuse, insulting, belittling, etc. I have received from American Republicans, evangelical Christians, and Libertarians during these 26 years on the web is beyond expression.
Elon Musk is either terribly naive or he has an agenda. He is not enabling free speech - he is neabling the kind of vileness that is difficult to express. Liberals and progressives aren't running because they'res scared, but because they cannot stomach the kind of 'owning the libs' vilness that comes from people like Trump, Jones, and more.
You don't live in a civilized country, so you don't understand civility,etc .
You don't even appear to understand that American democracy no longer existed. I was shocked to hell when I went to college in my mid-50s and learnt in American history classes that you had something called 'The electoral college.' My first words were 'But that's not a democaracy.
Having lived in multiple countries in Europe and Africa (plus the UK), and 11 years in the US, I can give you a 100% guarantee that you have a long way to go before your country has the kind of safety, education, and attributes generally accepted by first wolrd country. I can also tell you that your country is closer to that of a 3rd world country.
Cambridge analytica tactics were tried in Europe. They didn't work because Europeans are educated. They worked in Aemrica becausee Americans are brainwashed into believing bs about non-existant gods, and exposed to massive advertising from the day of birth.
There is ample research that conservatives have a different physiological brain structure to liberals. Neurologists have been providing the reseasrch for years. Conservatives operate from the amygdala (primitive responses without sufficient reason) while liberals respond from the fronta' lobe (complex reasoning). That is why Republcians cannot udnerstand that liberals aren't stupid - they are.
It's the Dunning Kruger effect.
I'm currently in Europe. I left Twitter the day Elon Musk bought it. As a felliow South Africa, I know only too well what he is. You don't.