I think there are questions to be asked and answered before one can form an opinion.
1. Who do you want to protect, and why. The reader, the writer, the world?
2. Is there a way of detecting between an AI written piece and a human written piece?
3. What is the medium and long term outcome of being reliant on AI writing? And who would benefit most?
4. How does one define art? Until the age of modernism, it was strictly a way of decoration, and a method of recod keeping (portraits). When photography came along, artists had to find another reason for painting. So they came up with meaning. I am interested in beauty - not meaning, so if AI generates beautiful things, I'm happy with that.
5. Ah - the writer. Man against machine. If Medium wants to make a profit, no reason not to buy AI equipment and write multiple articles with high degrees of data. Medium would make more money by eliminating writers
6. How will the reader feel? I am more reader than writer. I already skip videos on yoytube that use some sort Of AI. Because I've traveled widely, I see mistakes. I won't watch them. For the same reason, if I know something is wriiten by AI. So I think you need to ask readers.
7. As a writer, I am constantly having to adapt. The Twitter files has shown just how much bots and algoriths and moderators governwho is read and who is not. My opinon is that writers have a few years to make as much money as they can, and then firget about it.
8. Copywriters (thise who write for business) will not be able to compete. Likewise commentary on events.
For myself, I cannot fight a loding battle with moderators, algorithms, shadow banning, so I am looking for other markets. That is the plight of the writer - constantly adapting to meet the new age.
That's my bit.