I think it's a bit late to do anything. Bernie Sanders should have been voted into power. He would have won. The DNC didn't want him in because he would have changed the economic system.
50 years ago, there were several bestselling books on climate change. Nobody did anything. People were more concerned with abortion, equal bay, profits, electing to demonize socialism, focusing on positive thinking and the law of attraction - all sorts of things.
Now the climate is upon us. It would take the most extreme measures for everybody on this planet to turn it around. No government can do that. That's because there are still an enormous number of people who honestly believe that it's a minor matter of recybling their rubbish.
So when there are more and more fires, floods, less and less food, people will start panicking. They will chose the liar that pomises the most.
That's it.
The window of opportunity has passed. I would say 'run for the hills.' I have.