I think it depends on how one defines evil. I like what Hannah Arendt said at the trail of Adolph Eichmann in Jerusalem (creator of gas ovens). She said he wasn't particularly clever - just average. He had no evil intentions. He didn't hate the Jews. He was just doing his job. For him, it was that simple. She called that the banality of evil.
There is this idea - that it is intent that makes us evil. I think it is lack of thinking, lack of consideration, lack of responsibility and consideration, self-involvement, etc. that makes us evil.
It takes many years of study and thinking to understand the profound themes in life, and most people just aren't interested. They are driven by appetite. Plato speaks about this in his book 'The Republic.'
So long as it's easy, so long as it gives pleasure, so long as the ego is satisfied, it's acceptable. This is the banality of evil.
I don't hold that Republicans are evil and Democrats are good. I'm not a Democrat, and I'm not a Republican. I see people driven by appetite in both.