I refuse to believe that depression is an illness. The fact that therapy helps is indicative that it is psychological - not physiological.
I understand that there is massive unhappiness in countries like the USA. It is a result of the culture abd the lifestyle.
What I don't understand is how therapy helps people. I have been to more therapists than I can count. I found them stupid and unhelpful. Granted I wasn''t 'mentally ill.' All I wanted was a diagnosis of what was wrong with me.
All they wanted was for me to talk. When I asked a question, they would throw it right back at me.
In the end, I discovered, in my late 60s, that I had Aspergers. Very high functioning. Not o e of these stupid, ignorant people would take me at my word for anything.
Late last year, I consulted a doctor - spychologist. I told him I needed to learn how to handle a particular situation. We lasted until the second appointment. This idiot insisted on telling me I was being triggered.
No, I was not. I have simply been on my own all my life and had never been told how to handle rude people.
As it was, I had been thinkimg about it for months, and by the time my first appointment rolled up, I had half figured out there was no need to try to be polite, it was acceptable simply to walk away.
What I have never understood is how a therapist helps with massive unhappiness. They don't solve any problems. They can't help one find a new job, explain why someone didn't like one, teach one what one needs to know inorder to resolve a practical situation.
All they appear to do is be there emotionally for someone to cry their hearts out or fulfill a need to feel valued. If that is the case, one has to ask why these people just don't speak to friends or see a movie.
I have lived through hell in my life. I was 58 years old before I experienced what moment of happiness was. It was an eye opener. So was the realization that people were self-interested in my late 60s.
Yet, all if tjis, I never had any desire to take my life. I just had a massive sense of confusion for my entire life, trying to understand why people treated me the way they did. On the day I realized that people were self-interested I finally understood. It was a massive weight off my shoulders.
People get depressed because they never got what they wantef. I never wanted anything...