I provide links for a reason — so that you can have access to the evidence. The USA has, for the past 70 years spent between 45% to 90% of its tax budget on the military. I suggest you read the links.
It is the Enlightenment that led to the modern world. It did that by inventing the scientific method for establishing facts, and by exposing religious beliefs for the bullarkey it is. Without the scientific process, we could not have arrived at the modern high tech world we now live in. You’re confusing wealth with technology.
Poverty is not decreasing.
The bullshit idea that ‘poverty has been declining’ doesn’t mean that people weren’t living in extreme poverty. The idea that people were now living on 69 cents a day instead of 68 cents a day is a bullshit metric. It overlooks the idea that one would need $10 a day to live on. The World Bank has also indicated that China is the only country in the world that has eliminated poverty.
Capitalism does create poverty. You’re confusing the rise of technology with the rise of wealth. Technology is the result of the Enlightenment in which religious thinking was replaced by the scientific methodology. Without the scientific methodology, knowledge would not have exploded, and without the explosion of knowledge, technology would not have arrived. Capitalism creates poverty by talking from the poor to increase the wealth of the rich.
You might like to read this paper on the causes of poverty. One of them is climate change, and the cause of climate change is excessive and toxic manufacturing, etc. All of which rest at the foot of business. Inequality, driven by capitalism, is also one of the causes.
Your personal experience and hearsay does not replace statistical information. If so, have you been to Africa lately? I’ve just spent 5 ½ years there. Left a month ago for Germany. If you want to see poverty, go to Africa and see what capitalism has done to Africa. It has raped the continent dry as the transfer of Africa’s wealth goes to the first world.
The reason people in the USA are so wealth as it has steadily taken advantage of the resources of less technologically advanced nations. Plus it’s war machines have enforced changes of regimes to suit its own financial imperialism.
Sure there is a lot of good information in tradition. But there is also a lot of bad information. And to follow tradition blindly, just because it is tradition, is braindead. It is much better to examine all knowledge in the light of current scientific knowledge and eliminate what is erroneous. In other words, we don’t follow tradition. We follow science, fact, what is true.
I don’t have much time for the view that the traditional Christian ‘family’ is the only definition of family. Children who are born ‘out of wedlock’ are still part of a family. There are many, many single mother (and single father) families in the world. In South Africa, 61% of children are born out of wedlock. So what. Do you think those children are less human than children born into a family with a father.
I truly have no idea what is wrong with American men. They have just as much opportunity to go to college as women have, but they chose not to. Why is that?
As I want evidence, I want your source for this “30 years old, single, childless women earn more than single, childless men, even though women typically choose less lucrative majors in college.” Please provide.
Research has indicated that children who grow up in a two-parent family are far better adapted than children who grow up in a single family. That said, correlation isn’t cause. Single family units are the most poor in the world, and it might be a result of poverty rather than growing up in a single family.
As I never stated that it was bigoted that two parents are better than one, I might ask you why you are telling me that. I am not an American liberal. I’m not even American, and I am not a liberal. Liberalism is a political idea about freedom. I think freedom without morality is dangerous, and it breaks down communities. I am a progressive — an economic system that ensures that the state looks after all it’s people economically. In other words, I support the welfare state. I am currently living in a welfare state — Germany.
As someone who has been disabled since birth, I found that my 11 years in America sunk me into extreme poverty as I could not cope with the extreme dog-eat-dog culture. I eventually left. I prefer to live in more humane countries. Even South Africa is kinder than the USA (I am a dual South African German citizen).