Tessa Schlesinger
4 min readOct 13, 2023


I looked her up but could find neither research papers nor articles written by her. That said, I was very much living in London during the period of Irish bombs. In fact, I almost walked into one. It was placed outside the hotel was working at in 1975. Twenty four hours after I found that out, I left London for Paris.

I hardly think that the IRA are in the same bandwidth as ISIS, Hamas, Ai Quaida, and other Islamic groups. There is no comparison.

I'm currently living in Ireland, and I have to say that the biggest thing that strikes me (after living in multiple countries) is the way individuals are brainwashed through their particular culture to invest in things that are unimportant.

I have seen this in multiple countries - Texans remembering the confederates, the boers in South Africa remembering the way the British treated the Boers in prison between 1899 and 1901, and, currently, the way the Irish still have a thing against the British for what happened a century ago, so on and so forth.

It is bizarre. Hell, my late father, a holocaust survivor, never stopped Germans from coming to our house. As a young girl, we went sailing on a German cargo ship for six weeks. It was wonderful.

My late mother was a boer.

Neither of my parents ever said a word about the past. We fought apartheid - the present - not the past.

The children in Gaza (and the west bank) are brainwashed from birth to believe that Jews are killers, that their country is occupied by Israel (it isn't), and that they have to kill every single Isreali and then every single human being on this earth if they refuse to believe in Mohammed and Allah.

Poland is the only country in the world that refuses to let Muslims in. There's a very valid reason. In every country in the world where Muslims have built a stronghold, violence erupts.

I saw a video the other day, spoken by an Muslim in France who said that it would end when every person in France was a Muslim.

I have personally encountered this perspective in both South Africa and in the UK. One Muslim tried to throw me out of a window when I greeted him. He was a fellow tenant.

It is also not bias to refrain from posting pictures of the 'enemy.' It is common sense. If you knew the history of Israel and Palestine, you would know that the Palestinians have attacked and murdered the Jewish settlers since they arrived in the mid 19th century. In addition, if one wants to say that the land belongs to Palestinians because they lived there previously, well, before that, it was mostly populated by Christians (for a century) and before that, by the Jews for 1300 years or more.

The land has always been conquered by this nation and that. The Ottoman Empire ruled Palestine for many centuries. Then the British Empire went to war against the Ottoman Empire, and the British Empire won.

Palestine was under the mandate of British Empire, but washed its hands of it in 1947 because 30 years earlier, promises had been made by the British administration to give Palestine to both the Arabs and the Jews. So they just walked out in 1947, and the Israelis fought the Palestinians and won.

I could tell you a lot more, but it takes time to write it out, and if you are interested, there is a lot of history.

In Judaism, there is a story that Mohammed went to the Jews and wanted them to start a new religion with them so that they could make lots of money. They declined. So he started his own.

He was driven by greed, and he had no problem writing in the Koran that the followers of Allah must murder and kill all infidels (unbelievers) and then take their stuff. The goal of Islam, as written in very blunt language in the Koran, is to force everybody in the world to convert to Islam, and if not, they are to die.

During their heyday, it is said that when they went into India, they killed 80 million Hindus. I am not sure of how accurate that figure is, but my point is that this is not Ireland. The IRA were still able to negotiate. Fundamentalists are not people one can reason with.

I would be interested to know what Laila Parsons says.

Hamas could have built a desalination plant when they were given their independence in 2005 (or thereabouts). They could have invested the money in farms. They could have invested in education. Instead, they invested in massive weapons and continued with the suicide bombing. So, yes, Israel build a wall on two sides to prevent suicide bombers from coming in. It's called self-defence.

What is not spoken about is that Egypt also built a wall on its border with the Gaza strip. Why is that not mentioned? Also, 25 miles of the Gaza faces the ocean. They could have started a fishing fleet or built a port (they have had tremendous financial support). Nope. They attempted to bring in 50 tons of weapons, and so the Israeli navy blockaded them.

For all those people moaning about how Israel is occupying them, I would suggest that they look at the facts. I don't agree with the fundamentalist Jews that harass and murder Palestinians. I don't agree with Aliyah and the constant expansion of Israel into more Palestinian lands. I have written about that often enough.

However, when people start blaming Ukraine for Russian invasion and Israel for the massacres carried out by Hamas, forgive me, but I have a sense of good and evil, and I will not adhere to the propaganda and doctrine that gaslights those who are innocent.



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