I live in Europe. I moved to Portugal 4 months ago from Germany. I have been in 6 different cities in 4 different countries since Covid startef.
In Portugal, one doesn't have to wear a mask. Everybody does. 80% are vaccinated. I find it interesting that only countries with a neoliberal economic system have misinformation and people refusing to wear masks in the middle of a serious global pandemic.
Delta variant is more deadly, and there is now a 5th that has been dianosed. Theyappear to e getting more and more virulent.
Mankind is not yet so advanced that he can automatically produce a vaccine that will make people immune at once. So we have tomake do with 'best.'
Best is:
Wear a mask at all times. The blue survical masks have a seepage rate of 90%. Get an N95.
Keep social distancing. Vaccinated people, even if they don't get sick, carry the virus in their noses and throats. They are just as infectuous as people who are ill.
Lockdown serves a purpose. Your money or your life.
Keep informed. In Yemen, the death rate is 20% because they don't have masks, medicine, and distance. They are inthe middle of a war. Learn everything you can. World Health Organisation is your best source.
There is no going back to the way we were. This is here to stay. Next pandemic 3 - 5 years away.