Tessa Schlesinger
2 min readNov 8, 2021


I just want to respond further to this, because it is now obvious where you are coming from.

Like many conservative Americans, you have been brainwashed by American ideology. You confuse totalitarianism with communism. The two are very different. Communism in its pure form has never existed, and it is highly unlikely it will ever exist.

As soon as someone points out American sins (putting childrnen in cages, American financial imperialism, policeman shooting black people, your inhumanity to your own citizens, etc.), you immediately bring up China or Russia. You seem completely and utterly incapable of looking at your own sins.

I'm fully aware of the sins of China. I'm also fully aware of the fact that America has wrought more chaos in the world during the past 70 years than any other country on earth. You cause wars and you make wars.

Your military complex makes immense profits out of this. You elect psychopaths like Trump for leadership, and 40% of your people are so ignorant that they still believe in gods, laws of attraction, think that Trump is a good man, etc. How dare you speak of China's sins when there are so many in your own backyard?

The fact that you think Chomsky is an evil man says it all. You don't mention Trump's horrendous evil, the evil of the people who support him. You completely bypass my response to you that people are not highly intelligent if they cannot recognize an evil teaching or an evil philosopher.

You also bypass the fact that I said the masses are capable of far more evil than any individual.

Instead you skip to China and the 'glorificaiton of China without admitting to their sins."

WTF? These are the outcomes of a brainwashed human being - one that links certain words and certain ideas to other ideas and words, unable to see that there is no causal link between the two.

My article was about Dunning Kruger. As with all conservatives, everything is about the great America, the evil China, the evil Russia, and the evil liberals.

I'm not American, although I lvied there for 11 years. I have the advantage of being half German and half South Africa, and so have now lived and worked on three continents. That has given the a multi-cultural perspective.

You were offended by my article because I touched on Trump supporters, climate change deniers, etc.

Strawman argument.

I bid you f arewell. Don't read me again.



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