I just spent five years back in South Africa. The degree of racism amongst white people is disgusting. I also saw what the rich pay their workers. Inequality, in terms of poverty and wealth, always stems from paying workers very little monty.
I'm not sure how old you are, but I recall my late father coming home from his business in the early 60s talking about the job reservation act. One was not permitted to pay a black person the same as a quite person, even if he could do a better job. And one could not give a black person the job if a white person could do it.
I also reall my anthropology book at Unisa in the mid-70s. It said that black people were half ape.
When I used to speak to people about the evils of apartheid, there used to be dead silence. I got the hint. One should not mention is. That was difficult. My late mother was a founder member of the Black Sash, and both my parents were actively involved in Helen Susman's party. (Colin Eglin and Jan Stetler were the leaders at the time). Also, Sir De Villiers Graff, the leader of the UP, was a visitor at our home, so politics really was something that was fundamental to my early life.
My point is that the inequalites of payment by business to low-level workers is a left over from the job reservation act, and the horrendous racism by white South Africans is still inherent in the society.