I have written a book on how to heal using lucid dreaming techniques. I discovered the method in 1980, and I have used it successfully throughout the years. In it, I explained how I think the brain is structured. Interestingly, a lot of what I said in that book has been confirmed or discovreed by scientists in recent years.
That said, I've had eeg scans (?) of my brain several times. A research doctor from UCSD said that I had the quietest brain she had ever seen. Another guy said that I had a very unusual brain - that I could switch to theta and delta states at will - something other people can't do.
To draw an analogy, the human brain is much like a filing system. Our actions and perceptions are based on the initial experience. These are the templates. When we are born, we set up thousands of these templates, and all our understanding of life are based on those templates. They are difficult to erase. When we go through traumatic experiences, those templates are overwritten, and they are just as difficult to erase.
This is why counselling doesn't help.
Hypnotism does. Lucid dreaming technqiues help. I used both.