I have twice now removed my work fromQuora. I left a few pieces up. Each time I have written for Quora, I have easily done 600,000 views a month.
Take this piece.
215,000 views, 7126 upvotes, 52 shares, and 536 comments. I have some 823 followers and you have 115.
This month, and bear in mind I haven't written on Quora for about 4 months, I have had 19,100 views, and you've had 8,700 views. You're active in 27 spaces. I'm active in none.
These are the questions you ask.
Virtually all your questions remain unanswered - which means they are shitty questions. The ones that are answered have one or two responses.
You contribute nothing.
For my part, during my days on Google Plus, three or four times a week, my posts would reach up to 1.5 million views/reads in 24 hours. I have articles which have been at the top of google for a decade.
I'm not exactly sure what Quora is paying you $154 for, but when they contacted me to use my work in their other publications free of charge, and when I read their TOS in which they could do what they liked with my writing (effectly killing my copyright in all but word), I removed my work.
As you can see, I am pissed off.