I have NEVER in my entire life tried to pretend anything. It never occurred to me that people do this, and I never understood why people didn't believe me when I said that I didn't have money. I also never understood why they stole from me.
It took me decades to realize that because my parents had money, they thought I had. It took me decades after that to realize that people actually judged one on whether they had money or not.
Bearing in mind that I have been living at about 50% below the poverty line for, at least 25 years, this was a conversation about four years ago in Cape Town, South Africa.
"Yes, but you've got money."
"No, I don't. I would hardly be living here if I had money."
"You've had money. You come from money. It's sheen people never lose. it's the way you talk, the way you walk. It flows off you. It always will."