Tessa Schlesinger
7 min readJan 18, 2021


I had to copy and paste this into Word in order to respond with the same time, care, and respect put into it.

You said “This is a call to rational, intelligent, levelheaded individuals…” Well, I am rational (very), highly intelligent (gifted, in fact), and as I’ve lived in many different countries and survived all sorts of things, I guess I’m levelheaded. So I’m taking it I have those qualifications. Of course, I’m not American. I was however, a legal American immigrant, and I lived there for more than a decade.

So let’s look at some of your statements:

“big tech’s censorship moving to the hardware level and eroding everyone’s privacy.”

Freedom of speech is a misunderstood concept in America. Nobody has the right to say exactly what they like. If you slander someone, you will be up in court for defamation of character. When you are being sued, you have to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. If you lie, that is called perjury. Freedom of speech does not entitle you or anyone else to walk into someone else’s house and say exactly what you like. And freedom of speech does not mean that other people are forced to listen to what you say. You cannot walk into another man’s business, start screaming at the customers in the store, and then expect the business owners not to kick you out.

Business has every right to remove a irrational customer, and business has ever right to close the account of anyone they like. If it wasn’t like that, you would be forced to put up with someone calling you ever name under the sun while he was standing outside your front gate, and there would be nothing you could do about it because you had freedom of speech.

“that the lockdown measures are not proportional to the economic damage being done.”

I can only marvel at the sheer stupidity of that remark. Don’t worry, Americans are not alone. Its made by conservatives the world over, and the only reason they make it is because their brains (physiologically) are not capable of complex reasoning. That has been proven in neurological labs using MRI technology. The conservative brain makes decisions based on the primitive instincts of the Amygdala while the liberal makes decisions based on complex reasoning of grey matter. That is a physiological fact. It has nothing to do with socialization, education, or the ability to count backwards.

The bottom line is that the number of deaths if there is no lockdown, no masks, and no social distancing would destroy not only business but there would be many millions of deaths in America – up to 10% as medical services are overwhelmed. The permanent damage done to the lungs ALL PEOPLE who have caught the virus is such that these people will be needing medical assistance for the rest of their lives, and they will assuredly die young. You need to google LONG COVID.

Studies at three or four best universities in the world (I think it was Yale, Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge) confirm that with lockdown business will lose 15% but without lockdown, they will 30%. Right now, Sweden has the highest death rate in Europe, and they have suffered just as much economic damage as without lockdown.

The reason is this. Without lockdown, more people get infected and die. Rational people stay home and won’t go shopping. So the number of people out there being ‘good consumers’ drops daily. They simply don’t shop in spite of shops being open. But more than that, the actual business owners and producers start dying. So business and other systems start failing anyway.

Have you any idea how many medical professionals have died of Covid during the past year? Eventually, there wouldn’t be anyone left to look after the sick.

You say, “We need to remember our roots. America is not supposed to exist.”

This is a statement that totally boggled my mind. I constantly came across this idea that America was unique while living there. Oh, and that America won WWII on behalf of the allies. Actually, if any single nation did, it was the USSR. But having lived and worked on three continents in six countries and traveled a helluve lot further than that, I cannot believe that Americans don’t know that a) only 8 countries in the world aren’t free. The other 186 are just as free as America – some more so. I actually found Americans lacked the kind of freedom that I was accustomed to. And with the worlds’ highest incarceration rate, it was a very unforgiving and unfree country. You need to go and live in Europe, Australia, Israel, New Zealand, and even countries in Africa. We are free.

The globalists you talk about are predominantly American corporations. In the rest of the world it’s known as ‘American financial imperialism.” We don’t like it either. Not sure what you can do about it, but, yes, it is a problem. It’s not a coup d’etat, however. Actually, I’m not sure what it is. What you call lobbying in America is called ‘State Capture’ in the rest of the world. It is completely illegal outside America. I have no idea why Americans think that lobbying (the source of corruption) should be legal.

You say “You know something is wrong, you can feel it, and you can see it all around you.”

It’s not only America. I have seen it in many countries – the same type of movements. It’s really to do with a combination of ignorance and expectations of the general populace. In the mid-60s, the education system changed. 1969 was the last lot of high school graduates that wee well educated- and the best educated. Then the education system changed – in the USA, the UK, and the various past colonies of the UK (British Empire). Before that, we had a classical education system. It taught us world history, taught us how to think taught us math and science, and climate and geography. Since then, the world has slowly returned to the dark ages. At this point, the damage is done. It would take a generation to restore a solid education system.

You got this right. “the media is trying to make you believe your peers are the problem.”

And you got this right. “The average person today has very little direct political power.”

I think America is a mess because of its culture, but that’s my opinion, and I may be wrong. I think the UK and South Africa and Nigeria and several other countries are a mess for the same reason. It’s amazing how the beliefs of individuals, repeated over and over again by the millions actually have a cumulative effect.

.Having lived in the European Union (and about to go relocate to Germany), I can assure you there is nothing shady about the U.N. The Federal Reserve is privately owned and is run for profit.

You say, “The elites are aiming to force upon us a technocracy — a world run by specialists in tech, science, and engineering in which every single thing on the planet is tracked, rationed, and accounted for. The steps you take, the movement of every livestock animal, every tree, everything you eat, and even the clothing you wear. They want nothing short of a global technocracy.”

You want to go back to the dark ages? You are, however, right about the super-wealthy. Nothing wrong with living well. There is something very wrong when so much money buys a small percentage so much power that the impact on every other citizen in the world.

You say, “We need to understand that America is being sold out from underneath us for a price that will ultimately be too great to bear.” Actually, the world is being sold out from underneath us by the super-wealthy. Why do you think they’re all immigrating to New Zealand or building rocket ships to Mars?

You are absolutely correct about “Today, Democracy is in grave danger.” It’s international, however. Just not an American problem. That said, there is nothing wrong with sophisticated technology. Without technology, I would not be talking to you from half a world away. I like that. I like that I can talk to someone I’ve never met before, climb into their viewpoints and minds, and share my own thoughts with them. What’s not to like? The problem is not technology. The problem is a system of unequal exchange – capitalism. You need to read “Capitalism in the 21st century.” It’s hard reading, but it’s well worth the read. We need a completely new system of production and distribution. That’s what an economic system is.

You’re hung up about freedom of speech. Sorry, but the impact of indoctrination on the human brain needs to be considered. We did not have the technology we have now when the French leaders of the Enlightenment came up with that concept. The work of Edward Bernays, Freud’s nephew, showed how human brains were influenced and controlled by words that were constantly repeated (that’s why advertising works). I’ve written about it if you care to google my articles on it. However, just googling Edward Bernays and propaganda, etc. will show you how we are controlled through ‘freedom of speech.’

We need to rethink that concept and build in safeguards. And, no, I have no idea how.

As America is the richest nation in the world – primarily because it has the highest number of mega-rich people in the world, I find it absurd for you to want to remove the super-rich from other countries but not your own. Might I ask you why you think it’s okay for American super-rich corporations to hold such sway over other countries?

You say, “It is critical to study history right now to understand what’s coming, because it’s eerily repeating itself in many ways.” Well, yes, and no. You don’t mention the most deadly of all – climate change, and it is a killer.

Americans pollute more per capita than the citizens of any other nations on earth. Americans have caused more wars during the past 70 years than any other nation on earth. Americans have interfered with the sovereignty of more nations than any other nation on earth. Americans have more people imprisoned than any other nation on earth. I agree that there is a lot wrong with America, and I sincerely hope that you lot get it right. I have friends and family there. And I miss the place at times. I learnt a lot while living there, and I am, most definitely, a better person for my experiences in America.

Thank you.



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