I guess it depends what you mean by 'learn to write.' Certainly anybody can learn a language. However, after a certain age, they never learn to speak like a native without the accent. Nor does someone who learns to do ballet dancing in later years ever become as proficient as someone who has been doing the steps from the age of four. Nor does anyone who learns to play a piano learn to master it the way kids learn to master it from the age of three or four.
And even when kids learn that young, any teacher will tell you that talent is involved.
People can learn basic literature. To become a writer and storyteller who sells millions of books is something else. And virtually everyb ody who 'wants to learn to write' wants to become a famous author. They might not say so, but that's what they think.
They confuse basic litearature with writing to a publishable standard. Not going to happen. Just as you can sing to your heart's content, but if you aren't born with a particular type of voice and pitch, you can have as many lessons as you like, but you'll never make it big time.