I guess, as a 72 citizen of the world, I have yet to experience what it is that I cannot do. I don't live in the Middle East where some countries do terrible things to women.
I have been able to travel where I like, live in countries where I legally can, go shopping, earn my own money, date who and if I want, speak to whom I like, apply to whatever jobs I want.
My mother, before me, born in 1925 in a country where women traditionally married and men looked after them, parachuted, raced cars, was a political activist, owned a business, bred animals, was a philatelist and numismatist, and nobody ever stopped her. She was often the first woman to do some thing.
I have no idea what you're referring to when it comes to union busting or Russia, but I don't regard those as matters of morality.
What is a matter of morality is the neo-liberal economic system which Ronald Reagan implemented, and which is supported by both the left and the right in America. This is the core of the problem. Every time the DNC has selected a candidate (since 2016), they have rejected any candidate who would alter the current system. That is why they looked around for Biden - a very weak candidate.