I don't think it has anything to do with feelings. You see, aboutt 73% of women are feelers and about 73% of men are thinkers. Women, generally, make their decisions based on their feelings, while men make their decisions on objective information and they don't pay attention to their feelings.
27% of women base their decisions on analysis (thinking, objective evidence, and don't take their feelings into acount). I'm one of those.
While 27% of men base their decisions on their feelings.
To bass morality on feelings is a very, very dangerous thing. That's because, most of us, are not in compassionate mode all the time. The only way ehtics work is when they are rules into which we are socialized from an early age. Example, we are socialized to be polite to people from an early age. Whether people are compossaionte or not, this is just learnt bheavour.